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  • Bacterial, short-chain fatty acid and gas profiles of partially hydrolyzed guar gum in vitro fermentation by human fecal microbiota


Bacterial, short-chain fatty acid and gas profiles of partially hydrolyzed guar gum in vitro fermentation by human fecal microbiota

  • 短鎖脂肪酸
  • 腸内細菌

Pi XE (State Key Lab. for Managing Biotic & Chem. Treats to the Quality & Safety of Agro-Products, Zhejiang Acad. of Agric. Sci.) et al.

Food Chem. 430: 137006 (2024)

グアーガム分解物の糞便中の腸内細菌発酵による短鎖脂肪酸とガスの種類をin vitroで検討している。